Saturday, June 16, 2012

sweet summer time

Our schedule has been so full and busy that I have decided to cut back on our activities this summer. After all, this will be the last time I will have Aidan at home full time for a looonnng... time. Fall will mean a big transition for both Aidan and myself. He will be going to Kindergarten full time *sniff* and I am going back to work part time after staying home for 5 years with him. I have to admit the past 5 years have definitely been the best of my life. I have LOVED staying home and being a mommy. I am so thankful to my husband that he has made this possible. I really attempted to make the most of every day and am so thankful that Aidan Kai is in our lives. We have provided him with the most stable, nurturing, and enriching environment that was possible . Now don't get me wrong, I don't think staying at home is all roses and we definitely had our days where I felt like pulling out my hair, but 99% of the time it was beyond awesome and I wouldn't change a thing.

I will be working at a local school for three hours a day. This will allow me to still volunteer in Aidan's class and be an actively involved mom. His new school requires volunteer hours so I think this will be the perfect balance for me. I am a little excited and a little nervous to be going back to work. I am actually going to be a teachers assistant and work one on one with a little boy. I am nervous about taking on the role of assistant compared to the role of teacher. I just have to remember not to overstep my bounds. ;0)

So there will be no soccer, or swim, or t ball or camp or anything else this summer. Only play dates and things that we feel like doing. Our only obligation is a week of vacation bible school. I have a feeling we will be doing lots of last minute things. My plan is to not have a plan, wake up, and say "what do we feel like doing today?" Ahhhh..... sweet summer time!

Check out Aidans preschool graduation picture. Doesn't he look handsome? Love my little boy.

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