Thursday, March 24, 2011

Going Private?

I have been thinking about taking this blog private. You might have noticed that I added a feedjit bar a couple of months ago to better track our visitors. I am uncomfortable with some of the "hits" we have been getting. I started blogging to chronicle our adoption journey for friends and family. I am just uncomfortable with Aidans pics being so vulnerable for anyone to use in anyway they see fit. If you are a "lurker" and read this blog just because you are interested in reading blogs please "delurk" yourself and post a comment. There are a ton of mommy blogs that I read just because I find them interesting and I very rarely leave comments. Leave me your email address in the comment section and I will be happy to send you an invite. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm a crazy lurker from Huntington!!! -Cara (P.S. I miss you and Aidan!! Come see me!)

Anonymous said...

I'm a crazy lurker from Norfolk!! But totally harmless.

I really would not worry about the one and two hits from a weird country. I am sure those are just random searches.

But for the record for the lurkers - let's be VERY clear - We are from West Virginia, we carry guns (plural), and we know of more places to hide bodies than you can count. I'm just saying...... We are peaceful people that mind our own business, but hurt our baby and God have mercy on your soul!!

Love ya Cuz,
Super Monkey