Oh my poor blog- how it has been neglected! I just haven't been in the "blogging groove" lately. I guess I can blame it on facebook. I post almost everything on facebook so it just seems like I am repeating the information twice. However, I am doing this for Aidan so I will continue. :)
So here is what we have been up to..... First off I have been one SICK mama for the past week and a half. Fever up to 105, nasty cough, dizziness, tiredness, etc... I'm not sure what kind of funk I have, but it is kicking my butt. I am about 65 percent better but have a ways to go. I just need to take baby steps. Clinton is thankfully home and has been such a champ! He has been basically taking care of aidan - taking him to therapy, getting his meals, bathing him, taking him to the park, etc... while I have been out of commission.
Our friend Marc from the UK came and visited us the week before last. It was really a work related visit but we still got to go to the pumpkin patch and Disneyland. Marc is really a lot of fun and just one of the nicest guys. He really looked after Aidan and I when we were in London last year and Clinton was busy working.
Dr. Danny is another friend who is staying with us for a little while. He is a chiropractor and is opening a practice in California. Aidan absolutely LOVES Dr. Danny. :) They are huge buddies! He has been adjusting Aidan (and myself) and I can not BELIEVE the difference in Aidan's eating habits. He noticed that Aidan eats like a bird and told me that he could help with it. I was a little skeptical but it really worked! After about a week of adjustments I now have a child who comes to me and says, "mommy I'm hungry!" Music to this Mama's ears! :) He eats a full breakfast, lunch, and dinner and snacks in between. He doesn't always eat a huge meal but at least eats something!
Aidan is doing well in OT and PT. He really has fun in OT and enjoys going. I have noticed that he is more apt to pick up a crayon or marker and draw a picture these days. I'm not sure whether it is the OT that is working or school, but I like it!
Now on to some pics.....
Aidan and Marc at the Pumpkin Farm....