Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fun at the Pumpkin patch

Tuesday I took Aidan to the pumpkin patch. The Santa Ana's are picking up and the HOT weather is back. The pumpkin patch was an actual working farm, so it was hot, dirty, and smelly. However, they did have lots of things there for kids-including a hay ride, train ride, "baby toys", animals- llamas, emus, horses, chickens, pigs, etc... (hence the stinky part), corn maze, jump house etc... Aidan had a good time just walking around but he usually does not do well in the heat, so we didnt stay that long. Afterwards, I hit their market and got some small pumpkins, some veggies, and some yummy apple butter. Later that night we went out for family night. I posted the pictures in the reverse order but oh well... I am to lazy to fix them so you will have to figure it out...
This self picture is actually a blooper. However, I was laughing because as we were getting in close for the picture Aidan leaned over and gave me a huge kiss on the cheek... He is just soooo sweet!

Aidan and clap clap. Yes Aidan now calls his dad clap clap because Clinton always sings a song to him and those are part of the words. Aidan looooves the song and gets really into it. Today I showed him a family picture and asked "Who do you see?" and he replied clap clap! so funny!
Aidan and mama getting ready to go to dinner. Here are the little pumpkins I bought. Somebody or SOMETHING has already snatched one of the pumpkins that was sitting on the ground.

Aidan and his pumpkins

Hot, sweaty, and dirty little boy having a good time.

See Nana how dirty my hands are? I looove playing in dirt and eating it!

Just a swingin'

They had this horse at the Pumpkin Patch. My grandfather had one at his grocery store forever only it was waaayyyy cooler. It only cost a dime to ride and it had a real leather seat. The thing was old as the hills but all of us grandkids had a great time riding it! It was like a right of passage and some of the only entertainment we had while we were visiting. I had to let Aidan ride it. He was a little unsure of it.

" I love the pumpkin patch!"

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